Criminal law


1.- Criminal law

  • Crimes against the person: help and induction towards suicide, murder, homicide, patricide, infanticide, harm and injury.
  • Procedural crimes: construction/planning offences, bribery, prevarication, influence peddling, embezzlement, fraud, environmental crime.
  • Against freedom: illegal detention, kidnapping, threats, coercion, torture, against moral integrity.
  • Crime against sexual freedom: sexual assault, harassment, rape, sexual abuse, exhibitionism and sexual provocation, sexual offences.
  • Against family rights and duties: illegal marriage, family abandonment, related to minors, allowance and its non-payment, breach of sentence.
  • Domestic violence, mistreatment in the family environment, gender-related abuse
  • Crimes against social security.
  • Crimes against the individual: homicide, murder, injury.
  • Against honour: slander and insult.
  • Equity offences: theft, robbery, extortion, damages, etc.
  • Crimes against public health: dealing mind-altering substances, foods, etc.


2.- Financial crime law

  • Corporate crime: falsifying accounts, abuse of majority position, false majority, denying a partner of information, etc.
  • Asset stripping
  • Improper appropriation
  • Fraud and false documentation
  • Disloyal management or oversight


3.- Penal procedure

  • Assistance to the detainee
  • Processing of criminal trials of all sorts
  • Legal representation in the instruction and plenary phase
  • Swift trials
  • Writing complaints and criminal appeals
  • Preparation of appeals against any sentence of a criminal nature
  • Prison law